Headline: We Want to Hear from Our PCS Families: Parent & Community Review of Elementary ELA Instructional Materials for Upcoming ELA Adoption

Message: It is our goal as a district to authentically engage our families in the educational opportunities we provide for our 75,000+ students.  When teachers, school leaders, and district leaders collaborate with students, families, and communities as true partners, everyone reaps the benefits. We truly value your engagement.

We ask that you visit our Instructional Materials page on our Pasco County Schools website to review the potential books and texts your student(s) will be reading and discussing and the types of work they will be engaging in English Language Arts for the upcoming school year 2021-22.

Pasco County Schools Instructional Materials Website

At the middle school level, two publishers are under consideration: McGraw Hill StudySync and Savvas MyPerspectives.  On our website you will find the usernames and passwords to access the digital resources for the two publishers. After careful review of the materials, we ask that you complete a brief feedback survey to share your thoughts and ideas related to the selection of literacy materials and qualities of the proposed publishers. The link to the survey is posted on the Instructional Materials website. It is also available below:

MIDDLE SCHOOL: Parent & Community Review of ELA Instructional Materials Feedback Form

All are encouraged to review the materials, however completing the feedback survey is voluntary.  All information collected on the surveys is confidential and all comments will remain anonymous.

We appreciate and value your input. This survey closes Friday, February 19, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.

Thank you!