The 2008 Florida Legislature passed Senate Bill 610 which was signed into law by Governor Crist on June 2, 2008. It included changes in state statute as it relates to physical education requirements for Florida students. Senate Bill 610 requires the equivalent of one class period per day of physical education for one (1) semester of each school year for students in grades six (6) through eight (8) beginning in the 2009-2010 school year. The physical education requirements shall be waived for a student who meets one of the following criteria: 1) The student is enrolled in or required to enroll in a remedial course, OR 2) The student’s parent(s) indicate in writing to the school that: a. The parent(s) request that the student enrolls in another course from among those offered as options by the school district, OR b. The student is participating in physical activities outside the school day which are equal to or in excess of the mandated requirement. This statute requires each district school board to notify parents of the options available prior to scheduling a student in physical education. Unless your child meets one of the waiver criteria listed above, he or she will be enrolled in physical education for one semester each year while in grades six (6) through eight (8).