Due to changes in the rules governing the federal school lunch program, Pasco Schools is making it easier than ever for students – and children 18 and under – to receive free meals.
Starting on Monday, September 14, students who attend class on campus will still be able to get meals in the school cafeteria, and now those meals will be free. Also starting on Monday, September 14, students who attend school remotely will still be able to receive school meals on a drive-through basis. Those meals also will be free.
Here’s how the program will work for students who are learning remotely through mySchool Online or Pasco eSchool:

Monday, September 14 through Thursday, September 17, the daily drive-through meal distribution will continue at the designated site time – and meals will now be free. Designated locations and times are listed at https://connectplus.pasco.k12.fl.us/do/fns/?page_id=6877.
On Friday, September 18, the school district will serve a week’s worth of meals (breakfast and lunch) curbside to mySchool Online students, quarantined students, and children in the community 18 years and under. That includes Pasco e-School students. We will keep the same times already established for curbside feeding. Curbside meal distribution will continue once a week on Fridays.
We encourage families intending to participate curbside to complete the Meal Reservation Form, https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/fns/mform/view.php?id=269401, so we can be best prepared for curbside participation. Parent/guardians no longer have to go to their child’s school; they can pick up meals from the site that is most convenient.