Dear Raider Parents/Guardians, Teachers and Students,

We are in need of folks to serve on our School Advisory Council (SAC) for the 2020-21 school year.

Attached, you will find a SAC Question/Answer Informational sheet, the scheduled dates for our meetings, as well as a nomination form. You may also invite your child to serve in a student role if you like.

Please review and if interested in serving, please,

  1. Respond to this link to indicate your interest in SAC.
  2. Complete the nomination form and email to Karen Lane, Principal’s Secretary at
  3. Please respond by Friday October 9, 2020

All Meetings will occur remotely via Zoom due to social distancing precautions in response to Covid-19 on Thursdays from 3:30-4:30.   Links to meetings will be sent with a confirmation from us of your SAC membership.

Thank you for your consideration in serving on the School Advisory Council.


David Huyck
Principal, Crews lake Middle School

SAC QA Sheet
SAC Mtg Dates CLMS 2020-21