Picture Day for Crews Lake Middle School will be Monday, September 21, 2020.
School Picture Retake Day: 10/28/20
Traditional School Students will have their pictures taken through their Sciences classes on this day. Traditional School students were sent home with Picture information last Friday, 9/11/20, but is also included below (see Pic).
My School Online (MSOL): Student pictures will occur on Monday 9/21/20 after normal school hours, from 4:00pm to 6:45pm. If you are a MSOL student, please use the following link to rsvp for a time slot for next Monday, 9/21/20. https://clms.pasco.k12.fl.us/mform/view.php?id=36810
We will repeat this process on 10/28/20 for Picture Re-Take Day. This day will be for anyone who was absent on the September date, or for MSOL families that were not able to make the after-hours times in September.
To view the school picture products, please visit Leonards Photography at: www.leonards.com/photoprepay
(School access code: C521757)