IMPORTANT TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION - For a list of temporary bus stops, please see our weather page.

Math Nation

Attention all students going into Algebra 1: Math Nation has a feature called “On-Ramp to Algebra 1”. This tool would be a perfect way to get ready for Algebra 1. Math Nation can be access through a student’s MyPascoConnect.

Attention Incoming 6th Graders!!

Attention Incoming 6th Graders!! CREWS LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL RAIDER RALLY Tuesday, May 16th 5:30 – 7:30 Please come and join us. We would like to introduce ourselves and answer some of your middle school questions and concerns. Evening time schedule 5:30 –...

Attention Parents/Guardians of 6th grade students

Attention Parents/Guardians of 6th grade students, As the school year winds down it is time to start preparing students for 7th grade. Remember, all students going into 7th grade must have a Tdap shot before they can start school in August. If your child has already...