8th Grade Raider Students and Families,

This is David Huyck, Principal of Crews Lake Middle School with an update on our 8th Grade Virtual Promotion Ceremony scheduled for Tuesday, May 26th at 9 am.  This is the original date and time for the promotion ceremony, but as you know, due to current conditions, we will be celebrating our 8th-grade students with a promotion video.

On Tuesday, May 26 at 9am, a video link will be posted on our school Facebook page and our school webpage.  The link will take you to the Promotion Ceremony video.  The video is our best attempt to recreate the traditional promotion ceremony program at the end of every year.  The video will include all of the important pieces including, video speeches from 8th-grade students and teachers, some performances by members of the school band, our 8th grade administration address by Mr. Aunchman, an address by our school board member, Megan Harding, opening and closing remarks from Mr. Huyck, as well as a virtual “walk” to receive promotion certificates as I mention each 8th-grade student by name, simulating receipt of their promotion from middle school.

This is not an interactive video.  It is a pre-recorded product and while the link will be available at 9 am on the 26th, you may view it as a family whenever it is convenient for you.  In addition, you will have the option to download the video as a keepsake of your child’s promotion ceremony.

If you have any other questions, please send them directly to me at dhuyck@pasco.k12.fl.us.

We are very excited as we move to close out the weirdest year ever, and we hope that the virtual promotion video will offer some solace to the disappointing reality that we cannot be physically together at this time.

Best wishes,

Mr. Huyck