Raider 8th Grade Students and Families,

As you know, the district has cancelled all end of year in person events.  While necessary, it is a decision that was met with disappointment.  Our students have worked hard to get to this point and while we cannot be physically together to celebrate this milestone, we certainly want our students to be celebrated.

As a result, we plan to have a virtual promotion ceremony.  We are currently working on this and will look to include as many components that are customary in our normal promotion ceremony.  These include our traditional 8th grade class student speeches, as well as out 8th grade teacher addresses.  We will also do a virtual roll call with student pictures and their promotion certificate to simulate “walking” to receive their certificates. Actual promotion certificates will be mailed to the address we have on file.

Our Promotion Ceremony will take place at the original day and time (Tuesday, May 26th at 9 a.m.) virtually.  We will post the event via our Webpage and FB page on this date and time for students and families to view and enjoy.  More information on how to access this event will follow.

While we are still working on this and more specific information will follow, I just wanted to provide a statement of our intent to hold our 8th grade Promotion Ceremony virtually on May 26. 2020 at 9 a.m.

I hope you are all staying safe, and are as well as can be expected during these trying times.


David Huyck

Principal, Crews Lake Middle School