Extended School Year 2023

Extended School Year 2023

The Middle School Course Recovery Program (MSCRP) improves student outcomes by allowing students to recover core  courses in middle school in order to ensure students are prepared for high school course work.  CRP encompasses a rigorous course of study, which requires students to be motivated and work hard in order to succeed in all aspects of the program. The coursework is delivered using an online instructional model (digital curriculum provided by Apex Learning), accompanied by written assignments designed to meet state performance standards. Teachers monitor  student progress, grade student written assignments, and  provide direct instruction to  assist students in completing their course work. 

At this time your student is at risk of not passing one or more of the required classes. In order for your student to be promoted to high school he/she will need to successfully complete each core academic class. If one or more of these promotion requirements is not met your student may have to attend Extended School Year (ESY) this summer.

Program TIMES:9:45 am – 1:15 pm

(20 Days)= June 5-8, June 12-15, June 19-22, June 26-29, July 5-7 (excluding 7/3 and 7/4), July 10

Breakfast and Lunch will be provided each day.